vitamins market report

Is COVID-19 Bringing Sunshine to SA’s Vitamins Industry?

The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has had a significant impact on various industries, with the Vitamins industry being no exception. However, in contrast to other industries, COVID-19’s effect on the Vitamins industry has been surprisingly positive, with a significant increase in demand for immune-boosting products, especially Vitamin D, also known as the ‘sunshine’ Vitamin. Moreover, as […]

Is COVID-19 Bringing Sunshine to SA’s Vitamins Industry? Read More »

Is e-commerce boosting SA’s Vitamin market?

Globally, there continues to be a shift to busier, ‘on-the-go’ lifestyles, which often results in neglected health, limited physical activity and unhealthy diets. Moreover, consumers are increasingly seeking more convenient ways to obtain Vitamins in order to maintain their overall health and wellbeing. Based on these key consumer needs, many South African retailers have introduced

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