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B2B Research Methods

Research Methods

Most importantly, surveys and interviews with your B2B stakeholders are conducted by research executives with a minimum of an honours university degree. This ensures that they have the necessary skills to communicate effectively with B2B respondents, ask intelligent questions and astutely probe responses so you gain the best B2B insights.

We ensure that extensive time is devoted to understanding your industry through secondary research analysis by our researchers. We also brief researchers on the study about any jargon or technical background relating to your industry.

The project management team are involved throughout the process from project design to analysis and reporting, including conducting surveys and interviews so that the insights are based on their personal experience.

Analysis and Reporting Capabilities

Our data analysis delivers information that is business oriented and guides executive decision-making. We are able to fuse behavioural and attitudinal data to deliver powerful insights and ensure the highest quality via excellent data management processes.

Methods are only a means to an end – we are able to interpret outcomes and convert them into actionable information.

We use leading-edge analytical methods and world-class analysis software like SPSS and our techniques include:

The types of methods used by B2B market research businesses are usually Telephonic surveys and interviews; Online surveys; Personal in-depth interviews; Tracking and omnibus studies; Focus group discussions; and Secondary desk research.

Business-to-business research (B2B) describes commerce transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. Contrasting terms are business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-government (B2G). The main difference between B2B and B2C is who the buyer of a product or service is, and the different purchasing process. 

While conducting business research services, there are some key B2B Market Research questions to include: who makes the decisions for procuring services/products; who should we be targeting our communications to; is the market aware of our products or services relative to competitors; why are they utilising competitors; how can we improve as an organisation/company;  what do clients think of our company and are they satisfied with our products/services; what are the key needs and expectations from the market and our clients; and are employees satisfied in our company.  

B2B Research Methods
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